BREAKFAST CLUB  Our Early Bird Breakfast Club runs every school morning from 8am - 8.30am in the Community Building.  It is run by Mrs Rooney and Mrs Scott and children can be dropped off any day, there is no need to book in advance.  Breakfast is optional and consists of a bowl of cereal, a piece of toast and a drink of milk.  The cost is £2.00 per day if your child has breakfast, or £1.00 per day if your child doesn't have any breakfast.

01/09/20 - Unfortunately we are unable to run our usual breakfast club at the moment, we will let parents know as soon as breakfast club is available again. 


FRIDAYS 3pm - 4pm - Sports Club  When we have a sports coach in school they usually run an after school club for children in Years 3 and 4 - specific details and dates to follow.